4th Sunday of the Year (B) : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful


With confidence in God’s loving mercy, we now offer Him our prayers for this day. 



For Pope Francis and Archbishop Bernard; may they be faithful teachers, wise administrators and holy priests.  May their word and example inspire the priests and people of this diocese.
Lord in your mercy

For World leaders; that they will do everything in their power to extend education to all and to combat the extremist forces that are terrorising the world.
Lord, in your mercy 

For those involved in education: teachers and support staff, school governors, catechists and youth leaders, that they may help young people to fulfil their potential and become confident members of the community.
Lord in your mercy

For ourselves: that we may have the peace of heart to listen deeply to Christ’s teaching message, and in faith we say “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”  and so commit ourselves to him.
Lord in your mercy, 

We commend to the Lord all who have died, especially Fr Vincent Royles. May they have light and peace.
Lord in your mercy


We now ask Mary, our Blessed Lady, to intercede for us in our prayers as we say Hail Mary…

We now offer our private prayers and intentions to Our Lord.


Lord Our God, help us to love you above all things with a love that is worthy of you. Look kindly on the prayers of your people made today through your son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, one God forever and ever. Amen.

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