28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

C 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 



Let us turn to the Lord now with all our needs and the needs of others, in gratitude for the many ways in which he had already blessed us. 



Let us pray for the Church throughout the world, that followers of Christ everywhere may rejoice in God's loving care for them. 

Lord, hear us. 


Let us pray for those who govern our country that they may do so wisely and with a sense of justice. 

Lord, hear us. 


Let us pray for the work of Cafod, that our generosity in caring for others may be a measure of our awareness of God’s many blessings to us. 

Lord, hear us. 


Let us pray for ourselves that we may always be ready to thank God for his loving mercy.

Lord, hear us. 


Let us pray for those who have died, especially those who are dear to us: 

that the Lord will welcome them into the joy of his kingdom. 

Lord, hear us. 


Let us ask Our Lady to pray for us: Hail Mary …


We pray for a moment in silence. 


 Lord our God, 

your Son Jesus Christ has revealed to us 

your great love and compassion. 

We ask you to hear our prayers and to answer them, 

through the same Christ our Lord.

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